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(EDITED) - So they finally got back to me with a big list of all the things I need  to change in order to get our Unreal-5 Feminine Doll character onto the  market, and one of the first problems they I need to "Fix" is remove the  word "Beautiful" from the title -   

It is what it is I guess. I'll keep you guys posted, but the Unreal  version of the doll will probably be WAY nerfed compared to the  ArtStation version -



Bryan Stone

Seriously, is it really worth it? Your call, but feels like to me that they don't want something like this trumping their stuff.


Note the document says "Subjective" not "Suggestive"


That's a fair point - And, after giving it more thought, It's not totally unreasonable on their part, so I've edited my opinion on it (Thanks for pointing that out) - But, my only qualm with it is that there are other things on the Unreal Marketplace right now that Do have the word "Beautiful" in the title, so it seems like it's not a consistent standard :(