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Alright, so April was a quite a busy month to say the least lol - But, we made pretty good progress all things considered. I can honestly say that within the first month of going deep into Unreal 5, I am probably about 20 times more comfortable with it now than I was at the beginning of the month. The menu's feel a lot less foreign, and the controls are starting to really grow on me :) And, the crazy thing is, we've really just started to scratch the surface here. There's a lot more to learn, but so far so good -

To all the new Support Squad Members, thanks for joining, and feel free to make yourselves right at home here, I'll see ya in the next -

All the best,





Just curious, when are you gonna get yourself a minion? Or do you already have a team you work with?


Hahaha, I'm working on it honestly - Right now I can barely afford to just pay the bills, but once I can secure a bit of disposable income, like 1 or 2 thousand a month, I'll probably be hiring an editor or some sort of social media manager as the channel gets bigger, but It is something I'm giving serious thought to -