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I've got some incredible news, and why I'm excited for what it means-!! The Motion Capture Software I've been using for years (Rokoko), has decided to sponsor us when we get to Unreal 5 for our next project's animations!!!

I've been using their MoCap suit for almost a decade now, and they have told me they will be mailing me the new-and-improved version shortly - This means the quality of work we'll be able to do in Unreal is going to be vastly better than anything I've previously worked with.

Maybe it's luck, but this fits very well with our original schedule of Dall-E > Substance > Unreal - So, we've got our game plan set and we know what we'll be doing first as soon as we get to Unreal. This is the first time I'll be using Top of the line software with photo-realistic style high detail characters. It's gonna be a crazy learning experience, but that's kinda what we do lol -

Anyway, just wanted to share the good news, thank you so much for all the support here, there's no way I would have got this far on my own :)

As always, hope you have a Fantastic Day, and I'll see ya in the next vid-!!





Congrats!! I'm very happy for you.

VR AnimeTed

That's awesome! Gratz! Well Deserved. Maybe Unreal will throw you one of those crazy Dev checks too.


Thank you! And, man that would be an honor, maybe if I do a good enough job, they'll reach out, but I'll be doing my best either way :)