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Thank you everyone for being so patient as I did some much needed house-keeping and reorganization for all my Social Media - There's gonna be a lot of new things going forward. New tools, new software, new series, and new skills - For the next 6 months, I'm gonna put 100% of all my effort and focus into growing and improving the channel as much as humanly possible -

The Channel has grown so much in the last 3 years, and now more than ever I've found it harder and hard to find time to do even regular tasks that used to be standard for me. Finding the time for things like reading and responding to comments, answer messages, emails, making posts, tweets, thumbnails, and editing even small videos require extensive planning ahead of time now. At the moment, I spend more time managing social media than I do practicing my 3D art now. And, while the channel is growing fast, it's still not generating enough revenue for me to straight-up hire full-time editor or media manager.

This has been something other Patron's have recommended me to do for a while, but since I'm going full speed ahead with the channel, I've decided now is the appropriate time to introduce 2 new Tiers here on Patreon.

I've added a "Sovereign, $20" and a "Founder $50" Tier to the Support Squad now. And, they are designed with different purpose and functions in mind. Support generated from the Sovereign tier is designed to help me address the issue of being able to hire and out-source some of my regular tasks to 3rd Party vendors/freelancers. I will be looking for 3D Riggers, Animators, Unreal Programmers, Video Editors, and Social Media Manager type individuals that will help take a bit of the load off my shoulders so I can spend more time focusing on the content. Sovereigns, have unique new perks that are specific to the new AI-Art Generating software I've acquired. They get access to all the art I generate and release on my ArtStation portfolio each week. They also get access to all the tags and prompts I use to create the artwork. In this age of AI art, the Tags are THE MOST IMPORTANT tool an artist can have. If you have the right tags, you can generate an unlimited number of good art work as long as you know the magic words to type in. So, Sovereign's have access to my secret tags that I use in my best art.

The "Founder" tier is specifically to help insulate the channel from the unpredictable "weather" on YouTube. Founders provide a level of Support that helps ensure that in the worst case scenario where I get canceled or removed from YouTube for any reason. I'll have enough financial means to rebuild, or reposition the content and ensure that we continue to provide valuable time-saving information to those who need it. My videos are getting demonetized and hit with flags for dumber and dumber reasons every year. I plan to continue to make beautiful attractive characters long into the future, but I imagine that will likely lead to me being demonetized eventually on a majority of my content :( Either way, Founders are the safety-net that give wiggle-room to keep doing what I do with confidence knowing it's gonna be OK even in the worst case scenario. Founders have quite a few new perks, but the most important one is that I become you're personal AI-Concept Artist. Each month Founders can request up to 10 searches on Dall-E, and will have the rights to use the resulting art that comes up commercially. So, if you have fun ideas or need concept art for any reason, Founders can message me directly and request up to 10 searches for whatever they need -

Ok... sorry for the wall of text. But, I felt this was the kind of thing should really be explained thoroughly. Thank you to everyone for sticking by my side up to this point - I wouldn't be able to keep doing this if not for you guys here. So, thank you - and as always hope you have a Fantastic Day -



Bryan Stone

Worthy, I hope the new tiers can enhance your channels growth. I'm not a full on Tuber or Medialist, but I have read this outlet is a chore to handle if it becomes a popular site for us masses. Wish you all the luck and if my finances improve, maybe I can reach the top tier too.


Thanks bro - And, honestly, yes it's a chore, but I really do believe the cause is worth it, and the difference it makes for the people it reaches makes the world a better place - Take you're time man, and do what you gotta do first, when things look up, awesome - Until then, you're still always welcome here :)