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158 videos later - And, we are finally done!!!
Under normal circumstances, that would have taken more than a year to complete that many tutorials, but I really didn't want to keep the channel there for long, so had to grind the hell out of it in order to finish it in less than 3 months -

Anyway, we are finally free to move on to the next step, and I've done extensive work and practice with the new Machine Learning tool that was released, so I'll be sharing what I've learned about it after the series closing video that should be going live later today -

Thank you so much for your patience and support everyone, I'm extremely excited to show you what I've learned with Dall-E - The image you see above you was created when I typed awesome guy riding a T-Rex with a tank in the desert lol It's pretty crazy stuff, and I think it will be a lot of fun for everyone - But, we'll talk about it more after the next video -

Hope you've all been doing well, I'll see ya around :)



Bryan Stone

Most excellent instruction. How you take so well to Zbrush in such a short time is beyond me. Well done.

VR AnimeTed

Great job! Looking forward to the next series.


Thanks man - I just do my best and hope it's enough, I feel pretty comfortable now though, so it's gonna be a super useful tool from now on :)