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So, I have recently finally been accepted to the new text to image AI generation software called "Dall-E2"! I've been testing it for hours, and will ABSOLUTELY be talking about it as soon as we are done with ZBrush - It's amazing, free, and is going to revolutionize the world of computer art as we know it - The image you see above is what it generated after I typed in: "medieval princess fighting angry chinese dragon, digital art" - Took 8 seconds to create, and 0 work from me.

If you haven't signed up for it yet, I highly recommend you sign up for it ASAP because the wait list is huge!

Anyway, I will be incorporating this into my art as soon as we are done with the ZBrush series, I've got a lot of fun plans now that we got our hands on this, and I hope you guys look forward to the end of August when we can finally start having fun with our imagination :)




I have had acces to Midjourny for a few months and I am on wait list for Dalle. MJ has just gone open so anyone can sign up.


Holy shitcakes! I’ve seen folks posting experiments before, but did not know about the wait list sign up. Thank you!!