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Hey Squad, I estimate we should be done with the ZBrush Series in about 15 days -
So, we're actually ahead of schedule here and I'm super excited to be done with the series and move on to more fun things in the very near future - Once we complete the ZBrush series, I will be making some very big changes to the channel and be introducing some new software and project plans, as well as some personal goals I have for the year that I would like to share with the community -

To put it simply, I've come to a point where I really need to make the decision between a (1)full-time company job, (2)part-time/YouTube, and (3)full-time YouTube.

For the longest time I would basically do YouTube, and then in between tutorials,pick up some freelance or odd-jobs to pay the bills. Nothing crazy, but usually enough to get by with the combined YouTube + Miscellaneous revenue. But, the channel and Support Squad combined is starting to get big enough to the point where I find myself making enough to not need to go searching for extra freelance stuff in between videos anymore.

So this brings me to a new unknown area now. Now that I've basically learned how to use ZBrush, a lot of job opportunities that I didn't qualify for, are now opening up. If I was going strictly off money, the Company job would by far be the best option for me. Constant $30-40 an hour (around $5000 a month) with the occasional raise/promotion. However, the downside is I would no longer be able to share the work I do 8 hours a day with the community, and would have less time to generate content -

On the flip side, If I can keep this momentum on YouTube going, I might end up making more than I would from a normal job after a few years, and also keep generating new useful content for the community. Personally, I would like to continue to be able to make and share the work I create here on the community with everyone. It's nice to create something and know that it's helping or bringing other people joy or fun.

So, I've decided to give myself a little test-run deadline - After the ZBrush series is over, I'd like to spend the next 6 months putting 100% of my time and effort into the channel and improve the quality of the content coming out. I'd like to see if I can break even with what I would make doing a normal modeling job. I wanna see how far I can get when all the stops have been pulled, and there are no more distractions. During this time, I'll be adding some new tiers to the Support Squad with some major perk updates that I've been holding back up to this point. I'll also probably start to prepare a discord community as well as other things that many people have been asking for for a long time.

There's a lot of changes I have planned for the future, but I think this post has gone on long enough, so for now I'll leave it at that. Thanks for being here everyone, none of these new opportunities that have been unfolding for me recently would have ever been possible if it wasn't for everyone here supporting the channel - I can't tell you how much you have all changed my life, and am eternally grateful. So, for the next 15 days, let's just plow through what's left of the ZBrush series, I'll see ya in the next vid and hope you have a Fantastic Day!!



Bryan Stone

Wow, such a break! A great job and doing what you love is such a good thing. Although the restriction of not being allowed to share your work is a bummer, you have to do what's in your best interests. We'll miss the instructions and insights but I'm sure our community is rooting for you in your future career.


Hi! I go away for a few days and a bajillion RoyalSkies videos are waiting for me when I get back. :-) Considering that you in absolutely no way asked for advice, I apologize for offering it. First of all, that is so great that new opportunities are opening up!! Woo Hoo!! That must feel great! Secondly, I hope you'll insist on keeping the YouTube channel going, at least part time. It's not just out of my own selfish motives in wanting more videos. But this YouTube channel is a major asset that will only make you more and more desirable to the paycheck-signers over time. The temptation to give it up for a good gig may seem like a fair trade, but it'll bite you in the butt. I speak from experience. The difference between stud and dud is a blink of the eyes. I'm looking forward to your six-month experiment, and I hope I can afford the perkier tiers. I'm sort of envisioning you as someone who quickly rises above the "per hour" pay scale, and gets to the point of naming your own prices to people who want not just your work but your name attached. Though I'd guess you don't see that as a viable option -- but why the hell not! Why *not* you?? Anyway, your life seems to be majorly fantastic right now and I hope it just keeps going! Good luck with all the decisions!


Haha, yeah that's the biggest reason I'd rather be able to continue to do what I'm doing right now. I'd rather be able to give my work on Art Station like I am now, but obviously a company would have issues with that - I'll still upload instructional tutorials, they would just be less often than I am now - But, thanks man, I'll do my best to keep it up-!


Nah man, advice is always welcome, Thank you - And, don't worry the channel will stay up (As long as I don't get banned or something - lol) - Thanks for all the support as always man, I really appreciate the thoughtful comments and dedication on the Squad :) I'll see ya in the next vid -