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Hey Squad, just wanted to do a little house-keeping to keep you guys in the loop about our Schedule -

So far things are pretty good - In the last month and a half, I've been able to pump out 74 videos. And, this puts us in the final stretch of the ZBrush series. At this point, I've covered just about everything you would want to know coming into ZBrush as an outsider. Even if all you know is what is covered in the video, you are well on your way to being extremely proficient within this industry software.

The VERY last thing left to finish is the ZModeler tool. This tool is divided into 4 main parts: "Points", "Edges", "Faces", and "Targets". We have completed "Targets", which means we are 25% of the way there. There are 14 "Point" actions, 30 "Edge" actions, and 30 "Face" actions, which leaves 77 tutorials left to go -

My normal video schedule is 1 video every 2 days. But, I didn't want to be stuck in ZBrush tutorials for 10 months, this is the reason I'm burning through these videos right now. If I keep up my current pace, we will have finished the entire ZBrush series in just under 3 months, and be on our way to much more interesting things. So, I just wanted to make sure everyone here knows what's going on and why.

As always, thank you so much for your patience, I'll do my best to slice through this series, and in the meanwhile, hope all of you have a Fantastic Day :)





You are doing great! Please take care of yourself though and make some time to keep from burning yourself out! 💕