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Hey Squad, Thought I'd share some sketchy stuff I encountered. I've been going around Art Station looking for classes I could take from Professional artists with photo-realistic skills I'd like to learn from - I've been a fan of this Chinese channel for a while because they have beautiful art work, so I started applying to take their class -

However, right before payment, they slipped me a agreement contract, and when reading the fine details, found some shocking demands that ultimately made me decide not to go through with the class. They demanded the following:
A: Renounce my right to publicly review the class in any way that might shine negative light on the experience -
B: Agree to never share any of the materials OR techniques I learn from the class with anyone else -
And, C- Give up all ownership and commercial rights to the work I create during the class. At the end of the class, anything I create belongs completely to their company and breach of any part of the contract would result in a fine of $70,000 USD -

Honestly, I kind of understand the whole "don't share what we teach with anyone" thing - They make money off the fact that no one knows how to do this stuff. But, I draw the line at giving all commercial rights of my work during the class.

Also, I don't like the blurry line of "You can't share what we teach in class" - Like what constitutes that? If they use the Mask Brush in class, and then I make a video saying "Use the mask brush", does that constitute as "taught in class"?? Cus even though everyone uses the mask brush, it would technically be a breach of contract because it was something they cover in class - Either way, there were to many arbitrary contracts, and I personally cannot afford to get sued for $70k lol so, I decided it's best to find a different class, but just thought I'd warn anyone who might not have read the written contract. Be careful if you are thinking of taking lessons from CG -

Maybe I'm worrying for no reason, I've never met anyone who took the class, so I could be completely wrong about this. If anyone has taken the class before, let me know if you feel it was worth it or what your opinion about it was -



Crashsune Animations

Their student work is unbelievably good but WOW I am never going there for sure now, those are some red flags if I've ever seen them. 💔


Run, don't walk, away from these morons. Glad you did the right thing. Funny enough, they just Steisand Effected themselves as a terrible source of information.