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Well, Squad, we fought hard, but they nailed us anyway :(
This means essentially this video will be "shadow-banned" and demonetized.
It's not one of my more popular videos, so honestly it's not detrimental for our channel, but it's baffling to me, apparently this is the reality: (Warning NSFW)

Anyway, I have nothing more to say, it's like going 30 in your car while someone else is speeding at 90 and the officer gives you a ticket but not them. Kinda sucks, but hey, I'll do my best to keep going, I just hope the channel survives through the drought when we get to practicing sculpting photo-realistic bodies -

Just thought I'd keep you guys posted on the news, hopefully I'll have better news next time, but thank you again for being here supporting the channel, really is the only lifeline of the show -




That is absolutely ridiculous. By the way your vids are great, I've learned a lot from them. And you even have me trying Zbrush again, and I failed the last two times I tried it. Like, you get to the gizmo in a few lessons. I swear to you, every other 'Learn Zbrush' tutorial makes you go through like, two hours of other stuff before they mention the Gizmo, and then they don't really explain it well.


Hey Systematic, thank you, and you're very welcome, I'm extremely glad to hear that the videos have helped you so much :) That's precisely the reason why I make the videos in the first place, I really believe there is a big need for an organized quick/concise set of instructions for this software. Next vid is almost done too, so I'll see ya there!


On the bright side, that video is getting boost to the like-view ratio... Glass Half Full?