Stylized or Photorealism?? (Patreon)
Hey Squad - So, now that we've finished the improvement series, as many of you know I'm spending the next 2 weeks preparing for the Facial MoCap tutorials, and in this kind of downtime, I like to collect thoughts and information for the future, and something I've been curious about is your thoughts on Photo-realism as opposed to Stylized - After spending a year in Anime style it really changed my perspective about the Pros and Cons of PBR vs NPR. I'll share my thoughts below, but definitely, please share your thoughts in the comments if you have the chance, would love to hear your take :)
I think the main thing it comes down to is - Photorealism is a lot of work, but there is a clear end goal, and it almost always looks really good. It's very clear when you've "made it real" which makes it easy to know when your work is complete.
-On the other hand, Stylized work always feels like "freestyle", because it's not trying to emulate realism, there is no clear "end goal" that lets you know "you've done it" - And, it's easy to fall down the development hell trap tweaking and improving it forever.
But, I think Stylized has one MAJOR strength over realism and that is when it comes to motion.
Making Photorealistic renders of still images is fairly easy, however as soon as things start to move, unless your model, maps, and lighting are perfect, it starts to look like fake 3D very fast. Stylized work though, looks BETTER in motion as opposed to looking fake or worse. I'm still honestly not "entirely" sure which style would be "optimal" as a long term investment, but those are my thoughts for now, what you think about the two art directions??