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So, great news-! My research on finding fast and efficient ways to quickly set up Facial MoCap is really starting to pay off - I had a theory, and have spent the last few days testing it, but it finally worked, and now I have created a "button" that once pressed, automatically generates all 52 blend-shapes needed for standard iphone motion capture!!

I would like to add a few things to it in order to make it more flexible, but you can see it in action in the video above-! And yes, once generated the blend shapes from Maya do transfer to shape keys in Blender - If things keep going as planned, by the time we reach our next Patreon goal, we will be more than ready for the facial MoCap tutorial series :)


Facial MoCap ShapeKey (Automatically Generated)

Still can't believe I figured it out, but yeah, I have a created a button that generates all 52 standard required Iphone Facial Keys lol



Wow, Another thing blender should steal from maya?

VR AnimeTed

This is really impressive. I'm gearing up to really start using facial Mocap in my projects. Gotta justify that iPhone business expense lol.