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So this month is going to be a be a little different from usual. Instead focusing on tutorial videos, we're going to focus on creating characters for the community to download - It's a long process, and we will likely only have enough time to create 2, but I think they will be very useful for anyone needing to study or use them -

I'll be releasing a video going into more detail about the community characters next, however for the next 4 or 5 days I'm going to see if I can set-up a few things in Unity to go ahead and get this show on the road for the game. I'm in the middle of learning some new code that should will hopefully make the future more efficient. Honestly it's been a while since I touched Unity, so I'm in that phase of "re-familiarizing" myself with the bits and pieces of old code, which if you've ever programmed before is a "shocking" experience because it's very clear there are better ways to have written some things lol -

Anyway, there's a lot to do, but I'm aiming to at least get the foundation for the game ready so we can hit it hard in the next month, here we go-!!



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