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Hey squad, Just wanted to give a little status update and share my thoughts about upcoming future plans - So, there are only 2 tutorials left now for the Anime Shader series. Looks like we'll be finishing right on time for the end of the month! Was a long ride, but 27 tutorials later, looks like we'll be coming to a nice close :)

With the anime Series completed, I've been looking ahead in order to decide the best way to progress to the next step. Now that we have both the Full Body Rokoko Mocap Suit AND the Mocap gloves, the only things we are missing is the Facial Mocap. Which we will be tackling as soon as we reach our $1000 Patreon goal :) We're almost there, so I've gone ahead and started doing research into possible solutions, and seeing what needs to be setup in order to make characters face Mocap compatible. It's quite expensive, but with some luck, I think I can reverse engineer what these guys do, and find a way to make it faster and more specifically tuned for our characters -

Anyways, that's where we are, next tutorial should be ready in 2 days, so I'll see ya in the next vid-!



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