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So, Generally the enemies are going to be dark colors, so a black base, with gray skin, and a highlight color (Which is the color the eyes and lights glow) -
(Example Here: https://youtu.be/CEH51tkAle4?t=5 )
You can see on the character above, the highlight color was red. Different enemies have different weapons, attacks, and amounts of health. So, I would like each enemy to have a different highlight color in order for the player to quickly and easily identify different targets from far away. I already used Red, So I'm trying my best not to use Red again, even though I think it's the best looking choice for the enemies lol - But, what do you guys think??

What highlight color would go best for this guy: https://ibb.co/KsjbN1s
If you don't see your choice of color below, feel free to add it in the comments and I'll be sure to read them at the end of the day tomorrow :)



I'd say yellow for the available choices, but a partially orange shade of yellow, just to keep it within bad-guy appearance. Like Prometheans from Halo 4?


If easy identification by color is the goal, it maybe good to consider a way to change enemy highlight colors in the accessibility settings so that people with different types of color blindness can also differentiate between enemies. I believe there are a few standards combos you can use for different types of color blindness. Mentioning it now because accessibility is usually easier to implement earlier in the dev process compared to later. Plus, accessibility groups enjoy highlighting games that cater to members of the community.


Yeah, since it looks like Yellow wins the vote, I was thinking of the Promethean Yellow/orange too - Already started coloring it a little - I think I'll be able to show you guys later in the day :)


Ahhhh, I never really thought of that drawback for color blind players. I'm hoping that the silhouette will also make it to where color blind players will be able to identify the enemies by shape, but luckily creating alternate colored texture maps luckily isn't too hard - What color combinations generally help reduce color confusion for CB players?? Can't guarantee I'll have time to add extra features too much, but I'll try to think of something while I'm working on the main aspects -