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High-Res Image Link : https://ibb.co/G7Pprsv
In the next video, I'll be demonstrating the Anime technique on our Bacteriophage - Now, originally I designed this character as a "bad-guy", however, my med-school friends have informed me they are in fact good guys - So, my conundrum is should they also wear "good guy" colors?? In our game, the good guys generally wear white armor, so maybe just to be clear they are on your side, should Bacteriophages also be color coordinated like the other allies allies?

Here are the two possible color schemes I've come up with - In A(Top), the bacteriophage is dressed in "Alliance Colors", in B(Bottom) is the original color scheme I had originally when they were designed as enemies -

As usual, bonus points for leaving a comment with your reasoning - I don't always have time to respond to each comment, but I always love reading what you guys have to say in these polls :)



I prefer white. Looked at the image before reading the post and immediately clocked it as a potential good guy. It does kind of look like a grimm, though. Not good or bad. Just something I noticed. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/25/f3/4a/25f34a79f0dfa3fac3c992f816be2b68.jpg

Pierre Johnson

I just want me and da bois to be colour coordinated lol