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We're about half way through the Anime Shader series now :) I'm almost done with the next video. I think it should be ready in the next 2 days - As many of you know by now, I like to think about the future early in order to have a clear schedule of what we do next -

Up to this point, we've covered mainly software, solutions, and technical tutorials - And, I think we've done a pretty good job at covering most of the important things people need. I have, however, been getting quite a few questions regarding some of the more subjective/soft skills lately. And, I really feel like we could take this into 2 different directions; (1) The first is related to workflow, so things like design, phases, conceptualizing, scheduling, and time management. When, should you use Blender and when you shouldn't? When to buy an asset, and when to create it from scratch? I feel like I have a lot points to share here that surprisingly I don't see people talk about yet.

(2) The second direction we could take this is more broad, but in some ways more important. Things like, what do you do when you're stuck? How do you know when you've spent too much time on something, vs when you should push through and complete it? Questions like "I don't know what my Passion is, so I don't know where to start", or "I know what I want, but I don't know how to focus and get there"

Out of the two directions, which kind of series would you guys be more interested in??
Bonus points if you leave some comments - 



Personally artist always deal with mental blocks and I believe that series to be more important. Even when someone is not experiencing a creative block (which they will soon it always happens.) I think this is the best approach to go for how to deal with these mental challenges to get your project done. Also anything on tutorials for the UV setup you created for Macrophage?


While dealing with mental blocks is important, I think it's not much help if you don't have a decent workflow first, so I'll go with that.


The YouTube members strongly commented on the importance of both. So, even though 1 got more votes, I might do a smaller short series about 2 right afterwards - But, we'll see how much time we have to execute - Also, yeah I have about 2 more tutorials on normal editing, and right after that we'll be going into how to UV map the way I do for the game :)