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So, the conclusion of the Shotgun Poll was extremely close. I was very surprised to see how tight the votes were coming. Thank you to everyone for both voting, and discussing your reasoning for why you voted one way or the other! I was perfectly happy with either option, but in the end, the 2 handed design had the most votes. So I've already begun concepting the basic outline and shape for the shotgun you'll see in the final game - Can't wait to show you guys how it looks, but as soon as it's "vaguely" complete I'll be sure to post screenshots here-

I've also almost completed texturing the next weapon. It's not done yet, but the Heavy bazooka weapon's UV's have at least been mapped out. With some luck, it will be done tomorrow, at which point the next video will be following close behind, so I'll see all there!




That is so fuckin awesome. I would have never imagined a bullpup rocket launcher lol!!


To be fair, I got the idea from Gundam lol. But, I'm glad you approve, thought you had a good idea with the shotgun, so I tried it out on the Rocket Launcher -
