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Poll Image : https://ibb.co/KbwK5dd
I've been getting ideas for the next weapon design (shotgun), and I'm stuck between 2 possible directions. One or two handed?? I feel like the classic shotgun shape is a beautiful thing - It's simple, clean, and easy to recognize from far away. However, in my search I also found some cool single hand shotgun designs that I honestly think would look pretty cool, and be a little more unique. What do you guys think?? We only have enough time to make one design. 1 handed or 2? - (Extra credit if you explain your reasoning in the comments!) 


John Fulton

Also, you could still model the rest of the gun on it's little brother instead: http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/SPAS_15


2 handed nobody have the strength to shoot with one hand with a shotgun like terminator (you loose your arm)