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Been trying to test out different possible designs for the (Single Handed) Sub-Machine gun. I've narrowed it down to 3 possible ideas. Which one do you lean toward? (Extra credit if you leave a comment explaining why :)
IMAGE LINK: https://ibb.co/7vcPvzD

P.S. (It's all low poly, really just picking silhouettes for now - The final designs will be much more detailed, higher, rounder poly) 



I love the design of option B, however, I feel like C is more close to a submachine gun design and scale. Almost like an advanced machine pistol. I personally think C with a the top rail of B would look awesome.


Never thought about combining the top rail of B into C, that might look pretty cool actually -! Thanks for the feedback!

John Fulton

B is the best all-rounder as is, but I like WithoutVictory's idea of combining B's top rail with C's receiver. Personally, I'd also incorporate B's pistol grip into C, because C's looks a little thin. Explanation: A's scope makes me read it as a long-range weapon, and C reads as too abstract to immediately identify. B's silhouette has easily recognizable open sights, chunky receiver/barrel section, and large magazine. A's magazine, while thinner and more traditionally "SMG-like" has that zigzag in the middle which makes it look weaker or more like a foregrip than a magazine. A lot of this is up to style choice, but I feel "assault rifles" can get away with smaller stylized magazines (think the A280 Blaster Rifle from Star Wars), while stylized SMGs typically read better with clearly large magazines (If it sticks out, it sticks out long like the UMP 45, while if it's contained inside, it goes almost the entire length of the gun, like the P90). If I'm reading C correctly, the triangular chunk under the fore end is the magazine, which is clearly the largest (unless it's the chunk on the back end instead, or maybe that's just the handle and it has a long magazine along the top underneath the top rail). Also, B is clearly based on a G36C, which is technically an Assault Rifle, which may confuse a couple of people (it's used like an SMG often enough, so not a huge deal). All that to say, C has the best readable silhouette, but if you ask me the top rail is kind of confusing (it has wings for sights, but the front sight is way too low for them to be used). The MA5B from Halo gets away having a cool abstract angled silhouette by having the top attachment be a "shell" that contains all the "realistic" doodads inside (ammo counter, compass, sight rails, and backup irons). SPARTANs are clearly supposed to use the sights projected on their HUD (the normal "video game" sights) over any devices mounted to the weapon itself, even though it has redundant backups in case the electronics fail.


Wow, I just want to say I really enjoyed reading through your comment. Was very well thought through, and you did correctly guess a lot of the inspirations I had for the initial design conceptions. So, very well done on the analyzation - I try not to go "too" over the top with the futuristic stuff generally. I think modern guns usually look pretty awesome as they are most of the time. So, most of my designs are very "slight" variations of mixing and mashing existing gun designs that I like - The only exception to this rule is when I want to pronounce that it is supposed to be futuristic (As was in the case of C). In the past I've always struggled with picking a design and sticking to it, so it's pretty awesome to get this kind of extra immediate insight and perspective from you guys like this :) Thank you for sharing, and I'll be sure to keep it in mind when we flush out our design -