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I've been preparing the shader series a bit more, and it occurred to me that the rules for mapping and shading a human character are a bit different from mapping/shading a robotic  models like a Gundams, weapons, and armor: Example here:

Would you like me to include a video covering the more mecha style characters/models in the series??



Would be great to have a reference for stuff like mechs too! And maybe organic stuff too like aliens and trees and stuff like that.


Oh my god yes! Love that style. Also any chance for more content. Never know what might be in that vid that will be applicable or new to us.


Ahh, forgot about the Aliens lol. I have a character that might fall into that category, but well see if we get the chance to go there -


Yeah, I grew up with that style so it's been something It's quite different from doing a person. Looks like we've voted to go ahead with it, so I'll show you guys soon :)