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So, I just got finished exchanging the first few videos with Yoolie in preparation for the Anime shader - Learned A LOT and he even hooked me up with the material he thinks is best for the job. My japanese is a little rusty, but I'll definitely be looking into it and hopefully figure out how to use it for our purposes - But, just in case you guys wanna know what it is early, here's where to find it!

I'm still talking and learning new things from Yoolie right now, and I got one more video to trade with him. But, so far I'm really excited to share what I've found :) 


【Blender 2.8 & 2.9】KiryToonShader(Eevee専用)_配布&使用方法について ~Distribution & usage~

Blender2.9用マテリアルノード(Eevee専用トゥーンシェーダー)の使用方法です ダウンロードはこちらから URL : https://www.dropbox.com/s/t2y5sulidezyi73/ ※データ利用は自由にしてもらって大丈夫ですが、こちらのデータを使って何かしらの損害等が発生したとしても、私の方で賠償などは一切出来かねますのでそこだけご了承ください ****** リリースノート ○Ver1.00(20190829):配布開始 ○Ver1.01(20190907):Specular・Rimの強度調整が可能なパラメーターを追加しました https://twitter.com/kiry0107/status/1170306513576923137?s=20 ○Ver1.02(20191005):Rimの乗せ方を"加算"か"通常"かを選べるパラメーターを追加しました https://twitter.com/kiry0107/status/1180270892460326912?s=20 ○Ver1.03(20201023):設定した色情報のみ出力できるように/Specularのサイズコントロールの自由度UP/間接照明のベイク時、オブジェクトが発光しないように https://twitter.com/kiry0107/status/1319644032641843202?s=20 ========== ◯使用BGM 空色ポップ (DOVA-SYNDROME)  https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play11037.html #Blender



I hope you plan to make your own video from this one because I didn't get anything out of it. I'm no expert in blender and I'm sure the lack of English audio doesn't help. Hopefully it makes a lot of sense to you and we get a great video out of it.


Yeah, don't worry I'll be making my own vid for this precisely for that reason. I got a pretty good idea for how to use it, and Yoolie is helping to answer questions when I have them so I'll be summing up the info in my usual tutorial style for everyone -