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Alright Squad, once again, we have quite the plate on our table. The last few videos related to Unity and Menus will be completed towards the next week :) Then immediately afterward, we will be pivoting to the Anime Shader Series. (I know a lot of you have been waiting forever for this, but this time it's finally here lol)

There's A LOT to cover. I'm gonna be going as fast as I humanly can to try and cover most of it before the end of the month, but this is the game plan -

I also got some other announcements I'd like to share with you guys, but well get into those later on lol.

In the meanwhile, hope you guys have a Fantastic Day and I'll see ya around-!




Will you be covering topology shading? i.e modeling with the intention of normal control. A good example would be Ruki’s Callisto model’s eyebrow, nose, and lip shadows.


What ever happened to Menus Part 6? To me its just a picture, no video?


Really?? That's weird can you see it here?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjGHncehoKs&list=PLZpDYt0cyiusfX9IS7dVzzRCCaf5edeiI&index=6


Yes, I will do my best to cover topology in relation to shading. I'm nowhere near as proficient at it as they are, but whatever I've cracked so far, I'll be sure to share with you guys - I've downloaded the Callisto model too actually, and will definitely be referencing it a lot before the series starts :)