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Hey Squad, it's been an extremely busy last couple weeks, so thank you for being patient -
At our current pace, I recon we'll be done with the Unity Menu UI stuff around May 7th -
Which is real nice, because I think the the Menu + intro coding really provides new devs with a solid foundation for creating a full game project -

Now, it's the next series that has taken some careful consideration. I really was planning to go straight into Animation Programming, however I really would like to provide a FULL Game Ready Character for people to use and follow along first. I think It's the only way to ensure that everyone can follow along page for page.

That being said, this is the last call for animations you REALLY want to be included in our Community Character : So far I believe you guys voted for Moving, Strafing, Jumping, Some Dying and falling down in different ways, probably 1 or 2 melee moves - And aiming with a gun.

Now, Rokoko still hasn't shipped the gloves. They're telling me earliest they can get them to me is like August (maybe) - Which means we don't have hand mocap, which means animating reloads is gonna suck TOTAL ass - Because of this, we're only going to include 1 weapon for the community character. Would you rather it be a Pistol or a Rifle?



I see rifle is winning but shooting a rifle is very unique, and usually its looking through the scope with crosshairs and not so much an animation? Just bring up a scope crosshair and your done. Shooting a pistol while running or or so many other actions is probable a lot harder for most to accomplish. Again it all depends on 1st person vs 3rd person, etc...


My brother takes me to the range quite a bit, and yeah I've definitely noticed what you've said while trying out both - From an animator's perspective, it's probably easier to do pistol because you don't have as many firing positions. I've never used a pistol with a scope, but I feel like it's probably not an animation most people expect to have - But, rifles are probably more standard, and make most sense for a lot of shooters, hence probably why most people are voting for it lol