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Alright Squad, next week we'll be hitting the Programming Tutorials, which means this is the last week we'll have to prepare as much as possible. Generally, I like to have all the 3D assets completed by the time I start programming a project. That's why I've taken this month to work on the main 3 Models: Exa, Basic Male Soldier, and basic Enemy Virus.

As it stands right now: Exa is more or less complete. There are some small details like retopologizing the hair and UV Mapping some proper shadow and highlights, but otherwise,  the high-res version of her is basically ready to go.

The Male Macrophage Soldier is 60% done. His armor is ready, and the body has been retopoed to a nice quad form. But I want to take the next 2 days to rig the body and weight paint it properly with shape keys.

The remaining 4 or 5 days afterwards I will try and complete the modeling/rigging of the virus we've been planning. I doubt I'll be able to finish weight painting/animating the Virus, but at a minimum I'm hoping to complete the modeling and topology this month.

Regardless, we'll be resuming video uploads very soon. So, that's the plan for the remainder of the month. I want to say thank you so much to everyone for being patient this month. I know it's been rather quiet on YouTube, but we're about to kick it back into full-throttle next month :) Hope you guys look forward to it!



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