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So, I think we're about 1 month into seriously diving into Anime style shading. And, I'd like to share some of the things I discovered about it:

1st, Anime shading looks best in mid-high poly. Contrary to what I thought originally, this is not a low-poly art style. Technically, you can get away with a mid/low-poly body. But, if you want the hair and face to look right, the face and hair generally have to be fairly high poly. Otherwise you get that "cheap" anime look.

2nd, if you do this art style, you REALLY have to dedicate to it. You have to break a lot of topology rules to get the shadows in the right place. And, you're model is likely ONLY going to look good with the Anime shader on. When you turn the shader off, or try to use any other normal texture technique, your character's aesthetic pretty much falls apart -

Even with add-ons for changing normals. I find that I spend most of my time getting the normals/shading to look just right. Probably spent more time adjusting the normals than I did modeling the character lol.

If I had to be COMPLETELY honest, I'd say I think it's harder to make 3D look like Anime, than it is to make high-res 3D models. Which worries me a bit, because if that is truly the case, I feel like it might be better us (in terms of speed) to just use the League of Legends style toon look, which is all dependent on texture maps, but require zero normal editing.

Still not entirely sure yet, but so far, those are my findings/feelings about this style. I think if you do it right, it looks very good, but that's the catch. IF you do it right - And, doing it right, takes A LOT of work - But what do you guys think?? You can see what things look like so far above -




I have no idea why but it seems like patreon deleted my comment? Well I have some links that I hope people will find interesting on the topic of getting a hand drawn 2D anime aesthetic in 3D. Daniel Floyd from New Frame Plus talking about the 2D hand drawn anime look in Guilty Gear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZsboyfs-L4&ab_channel=NewFramePlus Here is the talk Motomura gives at GDC about the technical challenges of accomplishing that look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhGjCzxJV3E&ab_channel=GDC Also a game I found interesting is called "Blue Reflection" which is currently 50% off on steam. It has an anime art style but instead of using a toon shading just seems to use realistic lighting/shading and it seems to work fairly well. I got it primarily just to look at the shading. As I mentioned in response to a previous post, your experience matches my experience in which all the resources and tutorials on getting a 2D look in Blender seemed like way too much work for the results for a indie (i.e a 1 person team) and just seemed like I'm better off just trying to convey the idea of anime through other means, like the way the anime/puppet show Thunderbolt Fantasy conveys its animeness despite being live action puppets.


i've had a few comments not show up also but I am certain it was because I closed the windows or changed the page before the submission was confirmed. I have learned to wait a few seconds after posting to see the response before I close the window. sometimes it can take several seconds, others its almost instant.


I didn't even know Patreon removed comments like that. I guess it thought that your links were spam or something :( I'm glad your comment came through this time. I remember watching the GDC videos when they first came out. I'll probably look at those again to get any more nuggets of wisdom. It's not that I'm particularly worried we cant achieve the look. I think we could get very close, or have something attractive with enough dedication. My biggest concern is it really a good idea. Is it worth having the anime look if it takes 3 to 4 times more work than other toon art styles? I'm gonna see if I can speed up the process or find easier ways to get 'anime enough' lighting in less time. I'd rather not brute force it the way the original Arc Studios did, even if it does look amazing lol


Clearly RoyalSkies is getting too close to the truth and the Powers That Be are working hard to prevent us from leaning more!