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These 3 designs we're the most picked for the Witch Class Poll. Now, what's funny is I feel like these 3 designs we're picked for very different reasons, but that's the beauty of character creation lol.

The RIGHT Witch had I think 4 secondary votes, and the others had 2 primary votes each. After reading all of your explanations, you guys did bring up some good points about the RIGHT girl, something about her style just seems so ... bright? lol Seems like the kind of character I can see people really looking forward to leveling up and going on a journey with.

I think the one in the MIDDLE is the best 'designed' one. Fairly simple, but distinctly unique compared to a lot of other witch designs out there. Not super big on her staff though. I'd definitely redesign that thing if that was the one we were going for -

The LEFT one though I feel if you replaced her staff with a broomstick, add a little flare to the hat, and a less 'frilly' brazier  she really is the perfect blend of the "iconic classic" witch design while keeping things simple.  

For me it's probably a choice between the LEFT and RIGHT designs. But, I feel like I'm leaning RIGHT, what do you guys think??

Also, keep in mind, it's not like we can't make more witch designs later lol. I'll be characters until the day I die, so it's not an 'end-all' situation or anything - 




If it's a choice between the left and right. I'd go for the left. However, the middle one is a little classier and I like color palette of that one. Yes, get rid of the staff. Maybe the Left with more of the center's outfit. Someone else noted that the left is a little too much about the cleavage.


The right one seems the most "classical anime" look in style but all 3 have great attributes. I agree the legs look bare on the left one and probably would have gotten more votes if it had stockings to the thigh or something like tall boots and some ink? My general thoughts from left to right; LEFT: Playful but somewhat experienced witch. Less frill on the bra, add tall silk stockings (fishnet, etc..) and some ink above that? The skirt flare throw's off the image a little and may have impacted the original scoring. Staff is more like little bo peep sheep herding. Middle: Looks like a more mature traditional witch but her top hides too much of her female features. The rest of the attire is spot on but the staff needs some work (looks like you borrowed that one from an ORC). RIGHT: looks very "playfull" like a very young novice witch but overall the outfit looks great with a traditional witch/worlock staff. Could be a witch in training.