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Still doing a lot of testing on the Anime shader. Turns out a key ingredient to good Anime shading is controlling your normals. I've run into a weird thing in Blender though. I'm not sure if this is normal, or if it's a glitch. But, the shading looks fine from a perfect front, side, up, or down view. But from any other view you get real bad shading.  I don't believe when the model is exported this glitches happen. Only when working in Blender before Render do you see these. What do you guys think? Is this a big deal? Should I ignore it? Should I spend time trying to solve it?




I think that front/side/top view are orthographic, while any dynamic positioning of the camera is perspective. I dont know if this helps explain the problem, but try viewing through a camera with type set to orthographic to see if it still happens.


hi. i have had that problem going the other way (shading was weird, ended up fixing normals among other things). I found problems using the 3D printing tools. btw i voted for finding out because i want to know, but if it doesn't affect the final product, move on.


Thanks Les, yeah. I'm not gonna dwell on it, because it's probably not worth the time. But, I did find what what happening. In Eevee, when you adjust the normals, it messes up the 'self-shadow' system. So the self shadow casting system basically was never updated to account for custom normals. The only solution I've found is to turn off the 'self-shadow' feature entirely. Which, for Anime shading is not a big deal, but it was a little disappointing, hope they fix that soon :(',