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Big welcome to all the new faces here on the squad- Make yourself right at home :)
October was a crazy month for us. But, we accomplished a lot. By the end of next week, we'll have completed both the Kinect and Rokoko Tutorial series, for any Blender users who wanted to get into motion capture. With some luck, we will hopefully have demystified the field of motion capture for many young 3D artists contemplating getting into animation -

As soon as we finish Rokoko, we'll transition into the Blender Modeling Tutorial Series! I know many of you have been waiting a while for that, so I'm happy to say that we're finally getting there haha -

I'll be posting the official November Objectives soon.
In the meanwhile, please stay safe everyone and have a Fantastic Day!




Hey man, I had a question about the mocap suit, how comfortable do you think or confident if someone wanted to do certain kinds of martial arts moves like a judo roll. Do you think thats feasible without likely damaging any part of the suit, if it is too likely and it rules out using the suit, what do you suppose would be a good alternative for things that are like a lot of harsh possible body/surface contact?


Sure thing man, so the suit is actually surprisingly durable. And, in the off chance you break one of the sensors, you can replace them without having to buy a whole new suit. That being said, for most martial arts, the suit would be fine to act out animations in. Judo specifically though might be risky because it's one of the few martial arts where you slam people on their back, and the main wifi sensor is on the back of the suit. Honestly you could probably smash the back of the suit 10-15 times and it would be totally fine, but I would recommend to only try to record those animations as few times as possible and get them on the first take. At the same time, you could also pad out the floor surface a bit extra. Like if you do a Judo roll onto a few pillows, I think the sensor would be fine. Hope that helps clear things up :)