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So, as most of you know, in the coming months, when the Rokoko Gloves come in, we will be starting our 'Community Animation Library' project. As we approach the future, I'd like to get an idea of what you guys are most interested in for the animations?

Feel free to leave a comment for anything specific too-



I always think that the big moves, like fighting moves, are fun to animate and you can make a character execute perfect moves that aren't realistically possible unless you have a very acrobatic mocap performer; but you always need a ton of idles of all kinds, so that's what I'd want from mocap because it's more natural than anything you can hand animate. All the mundane background stuff, people fiddling with their phones or eating at a cafe, that really sells the feeling of life in a game.


Why choose, it's just background settings, what matters is what is on the camera, if the motion is good, even color blocks would work