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Normally, I reserve the real-time updates for Tier 2 Patrons, but this recent event really affects the whole channel, so I think it's important for you all to know what's going on -

You may recall that yesterday one of our video's thumbnail was flagged for being "inappropriate". I contacted YouTube directly, and explained to them the situation, and YouTube agreed that they made a mistake and re-instated the thumbnail earlier last night. I was happy and shared the good news with you guys here-

Then early this morning, I get another email saying that the 'reinstated thumbnail' that YouTube verified themselves as completely appropriate, was flagged again and removed again.

I'm not sure if this is just the algorithm screwing with us, or we have a stalker constantly flagging our thumbnails, but either way. I've sent in another repeal and we'll see what happens. Hopefully we'll get the repeal passed, but yeah, this is what we're dealing with.

Just wanted to fill you guys in on what's going on. Cross your fingers we get this problem fixed :(  




I'm sorry your video got flagged, I honestly hope it's just the stupid algorithm. My bf has a smaller channel and his gets flagged for royalty free music he paid to use. The more I see stuff like this, the more I'm genuinely disappointed in YouTube


Thanks for your thoughts Ana - I'm so sorry to hear that, the music stuff is pretty rough. A long time ago, I used 1 song from an Anime, and before the video was publicized it was already demonetized for the song. Ever since I try very hard to only use songs from people I know don't hunt you down on YouTube. Good luck to you and your bf's channel though. All we can do is really hope that YouTube fixes itself eventually, so I guess just hope for the best and expect the worst in the meanwhile lol