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Just thought I'd share a little victory we had today. As many of you know, one of the biggest challenges our channel faces especially during the Rigging Series was being demonetized and flagged for teaching people how to create the Human Body.

Our Shape Key thumbnail was flagged for this reason, and I put in an appeal. The appeal went up, and they had their team personally review the thumbnail and come to the decision that it was indeed perfectly acceptable for a thumbnail :)

So, the thumbnail has been reinstated, and though it's a small victory, it's still progress forward. Again, I'd like thank you all for being here supporting the channel directly. If it wasn't for you guys here, I would literally be at the mercy of the YouTube algorithm and don't think we would have survived long :(

So, thank you guys so much for being here-! I'll be uploading the Monthly Objectives Soon. In the meanwhile, please have a Fantastic Day and I'll see you around! 






Even a little victory is cool. This channel is priceless.