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So, very long time ago, my best friend gave me a Rokoko Motion Capture suit as a gift  before she graduated and left to a different state. I wasn't originally planning to demonstrate it because it's not mo-cap that I thought anyone could afford. (I definitely could never have afforded it if she didn't give it to me). But, I do have it. The Kinect motion capture series seems to be a lot of fun for people, so I wanted to ask if you guys wanted to extend the animation series a few more videos comparing the mocap data from Kinect ($100 hardware) to Rokoko ($2000 hardware)?

Would you like to see how the workflow and abilities of Rokoko compare with the workflow and abilities with Kinect?? Or would rather we move straight to the modeling series?? 



You have a great friend and I'd love to see a series on the suit! If you ever want to make some money on the side, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd slip you some $$$ to jump in the suit for some custom mo-cap moves for our projects!


Thanks, I never thought about that, but if that's something enough people would like to see, I might try and open something like that up. I make new animations all the time, so maybe I'm not actually opposed to the idea lol We'll see how things turn out. For now, it looks like Rokoko is our next stop lol. So, I'll begin preparing the videos for the next few days :)