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So, I'm still doing some research in order to find the best balance of reasonable price and quality. But, here's what's holding me back. I'm trying to find an affordable mocap that ALSO includes hand tracking. In my experience with mocap in college, the time you waste manually fixing jitter, face, and hand positions almost always defeats the point of using the mocap in the first place.

So, if possible, I'd really like to spare you all the agony of wasting 3+ hours on your 5 minute animation manually setting hand positions. But, it's starting to look like we're not gonna find any good quality mocap that includes hand tracking for less than $2500.

Kinect seems to be the most affordable quality mo-cap. But, people seem to be split on the amount of clean-up required to make the final animation look good because the jitter (especially around the feet) is a pain. So, I still wanna look around a bit more.

But, that's where I'm at so far. I'll keep you guys posted as I zero in on what we're gonna go with - 



yo yo I have a lil curiosity: will you make face reveal with this occasion? 😮


Sadly to say, I concur. In my experience, even using expensive 2K software and above for hand and finger positions can still be wonky. Aka - tweak intensive. The better solution might be on-the-cheap for full body mocap and expensive option for forearm/hand/fingers, if neede. Kinda like in the movies when in Post an actor/actress' ass doesn't quite measure up and they use a stand-in ass. 8-) We are probably not going to need to capture the fingers except on close in shots that are only showing forearm to hand anyway. In battle a character moves so quickly that individual finger moves are gonna be lost in a blur. I tinkered with "Leap Motion" a while back but never quite got it to behave the way I wanted. I understand iClone7 is now trying to leverage that tech, but, that solution drifts across the expense barrier. I'm gonna look around. If something jumps out at me, I'll give a shout.


True true - I'm thinking more than likely, we'll get something for general body first, and then attach the hands and face once we can afford to. My only thing about that is there's quite a few people relying on hands. For example, everyone working with a game or animation revolving around holding swords, or reloading guns. Our own project, Macrophage is already going to fall into that category too. So, I'm still snooping around a bit - Thanks for the feedback though. And, for sure. I appreciate it. I'm almost done deciding though. I'll let you guys know soon!