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Hair animation, can be one of the most frustrating parts of Character Design for new users. But, luckily there are a few tricks that can literally save you months of pointless manual animation. Learn everything you need about rigging hair in the next few minutes!!! Hope it helps :) 


Blender 2.82 : Hair Rigging, Physics, & Animation (In 2 Minutes!!!)

Hair animation, can be one of the most frustrating parts of Character Design for new users. But, luckily there are a few tricks that can literally save you months of pointless manual animation. Learn everything you need about rigging hair in the next few minutes!!! Hope it helps :) Wiggle Bones Download Link: https://blenderartists.org/t/wiggle-bones-a-jiggle-bone-implementation-for-2-8/1154726 Spring Bones Download Link: https://github.com/artellblender/springbones Female Body Model Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHksZGUrPDo If you enjoyed this video, please don't forget to like and subscribe! You can find my entire Blender 2.8 Speed Tutorial series here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6vgICNCVxQ&list=PLZpDYt0cyiuu-sxJKbuYh8OjtgmXNacCV Also, you find me on twitter at: https://twitter.com/TheRoyalSkies I also have a small 1$ Patreon perk available for anyone who would like to simply support the channel. Please check it out if you get the chance :) https://www.patreon.com/RoyalSkies If you're a gamer, please check out my new game on steam! It took over 3 years to create and has thousands of hours and heart put into it :) https://store.steampowered.com/app/652890/Vanguard_Knights/ As always, thank you so much for watching, please have a fantastic day, and see you around! - Royal Skies - -------------------------------



I've just seen this and have one big major question: the hair doesn't seem to take into account the body (colission), which means.. if you'd have long hair and try this, the hair would simply sink into the body. Is there a way to go around this? Much like if you have a plane on top of a cube and give the plane the cloth animation and the cube the colission, it'll form itself 'around' the cube. Is there no way to do this with hair / hair bones so it'd collide with face /Body?


Sure, so, it looks like the wiggle bone has collision planned, it just isn't complete yet. The spring bone add-on seems to have what you're looking for if you look at the bottom, but you'd have to add that 1 bone at a time :( Are you trying to export the animation out of Blender? If you are, it's probably fastest to manually move the hair bones if they collide during certain frames. If you're trying to work in Unity or (MMD) I believe, you can put hair colliders in Unity to avoid the problem if that is your final destination -


I would like to add to the convo that I can confirm this works in godot engine :)