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Ahhh... Mondays. I woke up at 10AM today but somehow managed to lay in bed switching between apps on my phone until 1PM. My weekend was filled with lots of good food and drinks and films; I successfully saw Oppenheimer and Barbie. Neither disappointed! Though I will admit, I think I was more into Barbie. I love pink and I love feminine things and I remember a time in my tweens where I felt ashamed of myself for liking those things and I actively pushed them all away. I like all of the messages that this film depicted and I hope the younger girls and gays and theys out there do, too. 

I say it a lot, but wow, it's crazy to me that this photoshoot was almost 2 entire years ago now. Where the hell are the years going? Are yours disappearing as much as mine are? I'll be 28 this year in just a couple of months. In 2 more years, I'll be 30. 



That sounds so weird and so wrong and also so okay at the same time. 30. That'll take some getting used to. Is that when it's time for a midlife crises, or has that age upped to around 40 now?

I won't spoil the film for anyone who hasn't caught it yet, but I appreciate how they addressed Barbie's "stereotypicality" and her and other character's thoughts as a woman on being a woman. 

Femininity is such a joy, such a gem, such a glistening shining prism of light. 

I think we could all use a sprinkle more of it.

"You're so beautiful."

"I know it!"

- Barbie, 2023

Elegant Jayde Photography
Georgia 2021



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