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Good morning, friends!

This past week back at home has almost felt like a month, but not in a bad way; there's just been so many events and sessions and work and friends to catch up on and with. The same day I got home, I ended up spending the evening at my favorite spot downtown, catching up with everyone as well as catching up with the new local beer selection. I usually stay holed up at home for a day or so after a long tour, but I guess I was itching for cider and conversation! It gets lonely on the road, especially for a neurodivergent anxious weirdo like me that secludes themselves away.

The very next day, I got to attend a very special day in the life of my younger sibling... their high school graduation. It's crazy to think they'll be a full fledged legal adult soon! I'm 10 years their senior and I still remember holding them as an infant like it was yesterday. My mom commissioned me to take their graduation photos and I couldn't be more honored.

After that, I had a weekend filled with cleaning house and ended my Sunday with two of my very best friends, video games, Mexican food, and margaritas (our signature hangout session). Then, I guess, a whole week went by, and I hardly noticed because I had my head buried in my laptop, finishing up edits for a client from one of my photography sessions from the first week of tour. Now I need to start diving into the other client's photos on top of all my self-portraits I'm behind on!

Anyway, as for this past weekend... ah, man, just more good times and good friends. My partner's best friend's birthday was Monday, so we celebrated over the weekend at Atlanta's iconic Little Trouble on Friday and finished off the weekend celebrating their 6 month anniversary with them over more beer and a hot tub session (accompanied by his grandma's dogs and chickens and bird!). Okay, reading this over, it sure does make it sound like I drink a lot, but I really don't! I just had some catching up to do and a lot of things to celebrate, hahahaha.

And man, that isn't even all the news! I still have so much left to say and do! Today is a big day, in a way... any ideas what I'm doin'? I'm stoked to tell you more about it.

For now, here's a little throwback set from me one and only, I think, trip to Iowa. I like the tone and mood in these. Moody and relaxed.

Photographer is anonymous
Des Moines, Iowa 2021



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