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Are you who you think you are?

I'm tired of people in general. Today, I was told by someone that I am "too ugly" to model and that I am "boring" to look at. I was told I was a prostitute and that my degree is worthless.

I know none of these things are true, but these things were only said to me because of the perception people are brought up with; the perception that nudity defines your worth and morality. 

I strive every day to break that bullshit perspective. 

What makes you feel worthwhile? For me, it is creating art and using my body to help others do the same. It is expression. It is embracing myself, the body I have hated for so long. For me, it is using every piece of my body for something different in my life. I'm trying to find my own worth in every inch of my soul and flesh.

I wish people would focus on their own.
David Hobbs Photography



Kyle Delaney

I'm really happy to see you embracing your body. Sorry about the mean people 😔