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Happy New Year's Eve everyone. I cannot say I am where I want to be art-wise, but then again I suppose not many of us can. By this time next year I should have my Bachelor's of Science in Psychology and a minor in Business Administration, more music released, more ground traveled, and a home closer to Atlanta. I am always fearful of the future, but a little anxiety can fuel the fire. I just need to learn how to manage it and control it.
Fuck new year's resolutions. My resolutions are dynamic and change with me as I do. But I do hope for a healthy, artistic, motivational, and beautiful 2019.
Here is a shot I edited last night from my very last shoot of 2018. My new music track should be released next month.
Stay tuned. I have a lot more to show and accomplish. So do you.

MUAH/Stylist: Nikki Copeland
Photographer/Model: Jenovax Lilith
Assisted by @sbl.artistry
Atlanta, Georgia 2018



Paul J. Colombo

I look forward to the new music track.