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I thought I had posted this already! I am so sorry for the wait. I also apologize for the delayed posts and uploads of new sets. This tour through Texas has me drained. I was in the ER last night (I am okay!) and all the driving has my brain a little fried. You guys deserve so much credit for hanging in there with me. I am about to grab some food so I can take my medication and then I am off to a shoot. This set was taken in Atlanta 3 or 4 years ago if my memory serves. This was in the fresh beginnings of my modeling career. As you can tell, it was also the beginning of me playing with eyebrow makeup (slight cringe....). I love looking at my old work. It is refreshing to see how much I have grown as a person and as an artist. Enjoy. I'll play catch up as soon as I can. I love you all. Lilithxx


May | Throw Back with Russell Dreyer - Google Drive


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