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Hey! I remembered to do a progress report on time(Ish)! Technically, I try to do them every 4 days, and this is day 5, but...close? Well, it's all good news anyway, so there's that. There's also only two bits left for the month, since the short stories and wallpapers have already been released.

Left Hand Magic

This is coming along almost exactly on schedule. I've wrapped up rendering for all 5 weekdays of Revina's Week 5 content. I'll be moving on to doing the renders for Week 5 Day 1 of the Talia/Arianna route right after I post this. Unless something goes screwy, that should mean I can get the first two days done, as I'd hoped. If so, than the total build will be 9 new scenes/days, with 11 new animations. Right about on target for what I'm hoping will be a typical release size going forward, despite this being a short month. 

Mixed Media Short

I've already finished both rendering and post-processing for Cara Loft: Seal of Kukaco (Part 2). With a little luck, I'll get a solid start on the writing for it tonight. The usual goal for Mixed Media Shorts is to have them out around the 24th, but I'm going to try to pull that back to the 23rd if possible this time. Again, that's mostly because of the short month and my desire to maximize the changes of getting Left Hand Magic out on time despite said short month. 


And that's really all for now! Everything else for the month has already been released!



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