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*Looks to see if it's time for a progress report*

*Spit takes when he realizes it has been over a week*




Errr...sorry about that, everyone! With other post like the Poll Results and Short Story release having trickled along, it genuinely didn't process for me that I hadn't done an actual Progress Report post since the 8th. I'll uh, dive right into it then...it's pretty much all good news, at least!

Left Hand Magic

So! I think I did mention in the poll results, at least, that I already had the Chasity Masturbation scene and Talia's remaining Week 5 Weekday scene renders/animations done. Since then, however, I've managed to finished the first three days of Revina's Week 5 content as well, and I have most of the stills done for Day 4. I should be doing the rest of the stills and the two animations for Day 4 over the next two days. Then Day 5 will take another 3 days, ish. 

Unless something goes horribly wrong, I'm confident in getting all of Revina's days done. Even if things slip a bit, that should still be the case. I'm hoping, however, to also get at least the first two days of the Arianna/Talia route finished as well. The first two days of the routes are generally the least intense, so I hope I can get those done by the 23rd or 24th. Normally, I cold stop renders (aside from any I discover I'm missing while actually programming/writing) on roughly the 25-26th. With the short month, though, I'm doing so on the 24th at the latest. And I'd really prefer it be the 23rd. Even if this is a Leap Year, making February less bad than usual, it's still a short month...

Regardless, unless something goes off rails significantly, things are looking good for this month's build!

Short Story

Good news here, too! I actually have the second short story (Dungeon Town:Unexpected Exchange) already written, at least in rough draft form. I'll likely spend some time later today/tomorrow morning, doing an editing pass for it. Then post it...the 17th or 18th? Most likely the 19th at the latest. Again, unless a computer dies or aliens abduct me or something...

Mixed Media Short

The second entry in the Cara Loft series is going well. I'm actually about a day ahead of the rendering schedule I set, with 14 renders already done. I think I only have five more to do, unless I decide I need an additional one somewhere to properly tell the tale. So, I should actually finish rendering on the 18th or 19th, most likely. The 20th is the usual target for that, so we're in good shape on this particular reward.


Ugh...much like the Progress Report, they sort of slipped my mind. I have a little free time before I crash, though. So I'm going to go hammer the Post Processing and Text placement before I do so. I'll likely post them either later today, or sometime tomorrow. 


That's it for now! 



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