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Alright! Bit passed time for the first progress report of the month. Before anything else, do remember that the Short Story, Focus, and Mixed Media Polls are all still ongoing! There are currently fewer votes compared to normal in all three of them, so I figured I'd better remind you all they existed. With that reminder out of the way, though...let's dive into the actual progress report!

Left Hand Magic

As you can see, I've already been grinding away at rendering for Arianna's Route. The unprocessed renders for Day 1 and Day 2 of her Week 5 content are done, and I should be finished with the stills for Day 3 by the time I'm done for the night. If I manage to stay on course, I'll finish Day 3 on the 10th, and wrap up Day 5 by roughly the 14th. After which I'll switch over to whichever route wins the Focus Poll which is still ongoing.

Short Story

I'm spending a bit of time working on the non-poll-winner story tonight, but haven't gotten too far on it yet. I've been a bit busy with other writing projects. Still, it's my current focus and will hopefully be out on the 10th or 11th at the latest.


The renders for these are, of course, done. Any of you that have been around for a while know they are pretty much the first thing I do in a given month. Mostly, honestly, because they are relatively low key and my brain is usually fried from the previous month's programming/release crunch. Also as usual, I'm procrastinating doing the post processing and type setting for them. And will likely manage to successfully put them off until around the 15th, where I will make myself do it despite that fact that something about that part makes me loathe every second of it.  


So...that's pretty much it, for now. Until the Polls finish on the 10th, I can't work on either the Poll story or the Mixed Media Short winner. Which is why there's generally only one progress report during the waiting period between putting the polls out and them finishing. Which is, you know...this post! Until the poll results in a couple of days, have fun everyone! 



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