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Okay everyone! Polls finished yesterday at midnight, and I just finished sorting out the weighted votes for the story poll, so time to get on with announcing them! Without farther ado:

November's Focus Poll

Taking a full 38% of the vote, the Trix/Revina Threesome route won this one handily. I'm pretty certain I'll be able to get through the entire Week 5 weekday section of said route this build, along with the two new scenes for Trix's Route. But as I made sure to warn everyone, the threesome routes are time intensive. As such, I'm not expecting to make it farther than that this month, given the late start I got due to Haven's Port's significant overrun. IF I somehow manage to pull of a miracle or two somewhere and move onto the next route, it would be Talia's route, as she was the runner up (with 25% of the vote). So, look forward to lots of Trix content this month :-p. Fine by me, really, as she's honestly my favorite of the girls...

November's Short Story Poll:


Surprise Us with Something New: 103.33

Alyia and the Magic Shop: 95

Truth or Dare Plus: 57.33

Andrea of the Silver Key: 25.5

The Starship Promise: 13.33

The Ruler's Companion: 0


This one was a bit of a wild ride. Particularly as I only realized when counting up the votes that I somehow hadn't provided an option for An App for That. That caught me by surprise, particularly that no one called me out on it! It has, after all, been consistently one of the better scoring stories, despite not having actually been updated for a while.  It also probably explains why the votes were a bit off the norm...though it still doesn't account for my surprise at the actual winner! It was, for reference, very close. While significantly fewer people voted for Alyia and the Magic Shop, the vote weighing very nearly resulted in it winning anyway. 

It didn't though, obviously. Much to my surprise, the 'surprise me' option, that I'd thrown in almost as an afterthought, wrestled it's way to the top. Both the top of the unweighted polling AND the weighted polling! This, though, is frankly a pleasant sort of surprise ;-). I really do have a whole pile of ideas just sitting in various text files and, in a month where I'm pressed for time like this one, being able to just pick out whichever one of them that I have the strongest muse for is a relief. I'll spend a bit of time tonight sorting through them and seeing what speaks to me, so that I can hopefully get right to work on it tomorrow. 

November's Mixed Media Poll:


The Virtual Trap: 71%

Xanadu Emporium: 29%

Starworld: 0%


Oh dear, I'm doubly glad for the easy mode you guys gave me on the Short Story, because here the hardest story won ;-). It happens to be my favorite of the Mixed Media Shorts, so I can't really complain, mind you. But there's no question that The Virtual Trap is on the more time intensive side, as it usually contains more renders and always contains a higher word count, than the other options. Still, it is my favorite to work on. So no complaints from me! I'll get working on the renders for it either tonight or tomorrow. Hopefully tonight, but I've got several other things to knock out today still, so we'll see...


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