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Alright! Past time for a progress report, even if the game is the only thing left for the month. Besides, I just closed down the Holiday Poll since no one has added any votes in days, so I can talk about that too. 

Holiday Poll Results

All of you should be aware that, in place of a Focus Poll this month, I ran a Holiday Poll. That poll was open to the Adventurer Tier and above, and its purpose was to decide what I do this year in December. December is the one month of the year I can't manage a full game build, due to family obligations (it's the one and only time a year my entire family travels from all over to spend a week together). Last year, I did The Morning After game as a special for December, a one-shot game that I could create with the more limited time I had during the month. In the poll, which I just shut down (and which I reminded people of a couple of times, so no complaining if you didn't get your vote in), I gave three options. 

One option was to do another short game like The Morning After, a second was to do a slightly downsized Left Hand Magic build. But the option that won (56% of the votes, so an outright majority) was the option to give Haven's Port one last Hurrah. Essentially, there are a bunch of places in the game that could use a little bit of extra content to flesh them out. More chastity enabled scenes, more futa scenes, possibly a bit more date content, and just one or two locations/features that were a bit unfinished. 

Since the Last Hurrah for Haven's Port option won, that will be what I do with December this year. I will squeeze as many extra scenes into an 'extra' build for the game, to round out a lot of those not-quite-satisfying places/content types. Exact makeup of the build will be determined in a poll run at the end of November through the early December. The one thing I can say for 100% certainty is that there will be at least some additional chastity content, as it was one thing I was never satisfied I'd provided enough of (given how popular it is with you lot in general). In all likelihood, the game will get at least an additional 15 'general' scenes. Possibly alongside some cleanup on old renders to improve them a bit.

Haven's Port 

Now for an update on THIS month's Haven's Port build, which is the last full build of the game, despite the extra content it's now going to be getting in December. All rendering is done. All post processing is done. And I'll be spending the next 3 hours or so tonight working on the coding. With any luck, I'll get around 60% of the coding done. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish the coding up tomorrow and get a small start on the writing.

As I'm expecting to lose the 30th entirely for anything productive(I explained why in the last progress report), that will only leave me about 3 to 3.5 days for writing/editing/testing. That might not be enough time. In which case, the build could be delayed by a day or two into November. I made it clear that was a possible result all month, because this is the Last Full Build. That means I'm not willing to cut corners! It's also a BIG build, just like the last couple have been. It has a staggering 152 new renders, in point of fact! So, hopefully no one is going to complain if it does overrun slightly ;-).  



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