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Alright! Time for another progress report. I admit I'm not entirely happy with how things are going so far, but it's nothing horribly bad. Simply concerns about getting Haven's Port out exactly on time. But I'll get to that below.

Haven's Port

So, there is actually a fair bit of Good news here. For one thing, this is a bigger sized build. The total render count (assuming I don't make any more last minute) is a whopping 126. Which isn't a record, but puts this build firmly into the XL size as Haven's Port's builds go. The content is decently varied, as well. Nineteen total scenes, with 10 of those being for the Merchant Princess Ending (many of them repeatable). The other nine are all dates/encounters with Lovers. One new one each for Fiona and Akari. Four for Jazerhra. Three for Lexie. There are even a couple of Futa scenes mixed into the lot, making it a pretty solid build for new content. The second bit of good news is that those renders are all already done, AND they've already been fully post-processed. Meaning that I'll be starting on the coding later today.

The Bad news, unfortunately, is that I'm a full day behind where I'd hoped to be. Worse, the schedule was already going to be tight, even if I'd been fully on target. And I'm going to lose a good chunk of time one day next week to more appointments. Ugh.

Ultimately, I'm not yet sure what this means for Haven's Port's release date. I'll have a better idea by Monday or Tuesday. But right now it's looking a bit sketchy on getting it done by midnight on the 30th. Which is, technically, the target. Even if there is overrun, I don't expect that overrun to be more than a couple of days. I hate carrying overrun over in any month, let alone heading into a Left Hand Magic month...but reality is reality and there's only so much I do force it to comply with my desires. Rest assured I'll be pushing hard to keep any delay to a minimum or, more hopefully, keep there from being any delay at all.

Mixed Media Short:

This one is mostly good news. Renders and post processing are, of course, already done. The only bad news is that I haven't finished the writing yet. I'm about 50% through the writing and intent on finishing it before I crash. But it will still need an editing pass. Most likely, it will be out either very late tonight (the 25th) or early tomorrow morning. On the plus side, this one is pretty long. Twenty one renders and it's already 2700 words. I expect it to be at least 4k, most likely. Which will give it an unusually high word count for one of these. They usually run 16-18 renders and around 3000-3500 words. I also like what I have so far, so hopefully it will turn out awesome. 



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