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Okay! It's a bit passed time for a progress report, but I didn't want to post it yesterday since I put the first short story of the month up. As I'm sure most of you are aware, I try not to do more than one major post a day so that they don't get lost in/clutter up people's feeds. The one exception to that being when I put up the polls for the month. Regardless, progress report time is certainly do! Thankfully, it's largely good news.

Haven's Port

By the time I crash in a few hours, I'm expecting to have the Merchant Princess ending essentially done. There will be a few connecting bits for between the scenes that I'll need to do tomorrow. But the actual scenes for the ending should be completely rendered. If you haven't figured it out yet, the Merchant Princess ending is essentially the ability to invest in various businesses. That will expand those existing businesses adding new opportunities/scenes for them...and also allow you to fund the launching of new businesses. There are two existing businesses that you'll be able to expand, and three new ones you'll be able to launch. All of which have at least two attached sex scenes. 

I'd honestly like to add a mini-expansion of the Clothing Shop as well, that essentially just expands wardrobe choices when you invest. But that's actually a pretty big undertaking, render wise, because of the number of places that have to have wardrobe renders added (Each house, the docks of the main island and Rose Garden, the Jolly Rodger, etc). Given I've already pushed the Merchant Princess ending farther than originally intended, I'm going to nix that for now. Though it's always possible I'll be able to squeeze it in for one of the remaining builds, if the other endings prove less time-intensive. Which they actually might. Truth be told, the Merchant Princess ending was always the most ambitious ending as far as the amount of required-content needed to make it work the way I wanted.

Anyway, the Merchant Princess scenes plus the Date scenes already rendered honestly bring us up to a full sized build render-count wise. But I'm still intending to spend at least three additional days on rendering, to add an additional three scenes for Jazerhra. Which, since I've already added one, will bring her up to the minimum rough number of scenes for a Lover in the game. Mione, Miona, Louie, Sylvia, and Fiona have seven each, if my mental count is accurate. I think Lexie will end up with six, though a some of them are shorter than most dates due to her being more casual with her encounters than the others. Akari will only have five, but one of the existing ones (Pet Play) has a major variant that might as well be another scene. So bringing our lovely orc futa up to six would put her in line with Akari and Lexie, at least. And in the same rough zone as the others.

Short Story

Despite only just putting the first one up yesterday, I've already gotten a start on the new entry for Alyia and the Magic Shop. I'm expecting to have 1,500 words or so done tonight. However, for the first time in quite a while (since last year, I think), this might slip over into next month. I'll need to hard-stop working on anything else as of the 24-25th, in order to try and get the Haven't Port code and writing done/out on time...and even that's going to be a uncomfortable crunch. I'll have a better idea in the next progress report what will be done when. I will simply remind everyone, though, that the short stories are always the lowest priority. They will get done eventually, but they are the most likely to be temporarily delayed during a particularly crunch-heavy month. 

Mixed Media Short

On the other hand, this is neatly on track. Despite being a full 21 renders this time, all renders are done, and the other thing I'm going to squeeze in tonight is post-processing for these. That means I can begin writing on it...and will honestly probably prioritize the writing for it over the second short. Due, of course, to the aforementioned policy of the Short Stories being the lowest priority reward. The next entry for The Virtual Trap should be out by the 24th, unless something goes wrong, which has been my rough monthly target for these releases for a while now. 


That's all for now, folks! As I mentioned in the short story section, I'll have a better idea of release timelines for each bit by the next progress report. For now, I can only say that solid progress has been made...but that how busy this month has been has meant that it's going to be a time-crunch to get everything done on time. 

Part of that is because I'm trying very hard to finally get the other Patreon I mentioned (for fanfiction) up and running by the end of the month. Some of you may remember that I mentioned it clear back in January and February. It was meant as a way for me to be able to quit the horribly underpaying and stressful day job stuff I'm still stuck doing (hopefully). And in order to do it, I cut the hours of that day job in half in Jan. The extra ten hours a week was supposed to get used on content for the new fanfic-based Patreon (to which The Final Error is being ported and an entirely new story added). Unfortunately, I kept stealing time from that extra to make better builds of Haven's Port and Left Hand Magic. Which has resulted in me slowly bleeding money. 

Things aren't critical yet, but I need to at least get the other Patreon up and running to find out if it is even viable. As much as I know people like my writing, trying to monetize that particular skull is always a bit hit and miss (sadly). Otherwise, if it fails to gain some traction, I'll need to pick up more contract hours again. Which I reallllllllllllyyyyyyyy don't want to do. Ugh. Trust me, you don't want me to either, since the amount of stuff I can do monthly for this patreon will suffer if I have to -_-. 



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