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Alright! Life has been kicking my ass a little...but I have been making progress. Not as much as I'd like, but a decent amount. 

Haven's Port

So, I've made something of an adjustments here. First off, I'm formally admitting that I'm going to need two more builds after t June's to finish up Haven's Port. Up until now, I'd honestly been pushing to see if I could do it in two (this month's and one more). But that's just not going to happen. So, there will be two additional builds after June's.

The reason for that is that the first of the 'Endings' is proving to be more complex than I'd intended. Not a huge amount. I was originally expecting each 'ending' to add around 8 scenes per ending. Now, based on how the first one is working out, I'm expecting it to be more like 10 each. Unfortunately, since I'm planning a minimum of five such endings, that makes for a minimum of ten additional scenes not in my original estimates. Since I was already pushing the limits on how much I had left to do, if I wanted to get things done in two builds, adding 10 more scenes makes the idea completely non-viable. So...three builds is now the plan. Including this month's build.

As for how this month's particular build is going...fair to middling? I have, roughly, 10 scenes of renders in total finished so far. Which is decent progress, though not quite as much as I'd hoped. I ended up settling on doing The Merchant Princess ending first, simply because I had the most solid overall plan for that ending. And I've got four of its scenes (Well, three, but one of them is a split option scene. It's total render count and repeatable nature makes it more like two scenes.) for it done. 

That said, I've made an adjustment to my overall plan for the build. Originally, I'd hoped to get two endings into this build. Sadly, with as much as this month has been kicking my ass, I don't think I can pull that off. Instead, I've adjusted my plans to include the overhaul/expansion needed to Jazerhra, to make her a full Lover/Datable character. That honestly sort of fits the build better anyway, since it also contains Lexie's expansion and more Rose Garden dates. You can see the first new Date for Jazerhra has actually already been rendered, with one of it's renders included as the first image for the post :-)!

Short Story

Ugh. I wish I had better news here. But this is where the 'this month has been kicking my ass' has really hurt. I only have about 1k words down for the first short story of the month. Though I'm hoping to add more to it today. Given that I have an appointment for oral surgery this afternoon, though...I might be feeling too miserable to get do so. We'll see.

Mixed Media Short

Better news, here! I actually managed to pull slightly ahead of schedule for the renders involved for The Virtual Trap (Part 2). I did so knowing that I might end up not getting much done today, frankly. Currently, I have 9 renders done, with a 10th being worked on. Hopefully this, at least, is on track as a result. 


They are done and should be up tomorrow. I simply wanted to get a Progress Report up first, since I hadn't posted one since the 9th. 



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