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Alright, time for a Progress Report. Pretty much entirely good news this time, so I'll just dive straight into it.

Left Hand Magic

This is actually the best news overall. In order to figure out what to do with Trix and Revina, I ended up having to essentially pull apart their routes and figure out exactly what was needed. I didn't do this with Arianna and Talia's routes, because it was fairly easy to generate opportunities to pick up a dom point or two. 

This was, apparently, something of a mistake on my part, as fully pulling apart Trix and Revina's routes revealed that things actually aren't as bad as I thought they were. That most of the content that is incompatible with the Threesome Routes is content you can't do anyway if you wanted to unlock those routes in the first place. Better yet, I noticed multiple places I could tweak the existing elements of the story to allow for more player agency in how you perceive events. This, in turn, means that I can allow for more Dom/Sub points with only minimal need to adapt the existing scenes. 

That doesn't mean that I don't need to create more scenes. Even with the tweaking, there was a pretty clear need for another set of opportunities to gain points. Moreover, there's at least one scene in Trix's route that just flat out needed an alternate option, as her first Pet Play scene absolutely does not fit with an MC angling to join in Trix's chastity fun as a fellow sub. The three scenes I've completed (yes, I got three of them done), were necessary. And I'm going to need at least one more in the next build (for Revina). But I think, with the tweaking of other scenes taken into account, and a few still renders applied to them to change possible outcomes, I'm fairly certain I won't need to do the second set of new scenes I had planned. Not in the early game, at least. I'll still need to add some more options to the later weeks of the game as we get there, to support the tweak and changes I'm making.

The other good news is that I'm basically done rendering the scenes for the current now. Though I might render a few stills to apply to those places I'm planning to add tweaks to. Either way, there will be 8 new scenes in the build, with all but one of them having at least one animation. Ten animations overall. I'm going to start working on the post-processing work this AM, and hopefully I'll get at least the first bits of coding and writing started later tonight.

Mixed Media Short

This is the only other thing left and rendering is done. Post-processing is also done. I'll be starting on the writing for it as soon as I finish this progress report. Hopefully, it will be up tomorrow (24th) at some point. 



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