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Whew! Sorry this is a day later than I said it would be! I ran into some annoying issues with the current set of renders I'm working on and got derailed from working on anything else while I was sorting that out. 

Regardless, the story is ready now. I'm...mostly happy with it? I admit, I'm actually kinda of uncertain how I feel about this one. It's exactly what I wanted it to be...but I'm uncertain how well the idea translated into a pure text format. By the time I finished with it, I was half-certain maybe it should have been a story reserved for some visual format. But...only half-certain. 

The problem is, a lot more of it is description instead of action than usual. Which is usually a bad thing for stories. In this case...I'm not sure if it is? A lot of my uncertainty is that I'm not really sure how good the average person is as visualizing something being described. I'm well aware that I'm personally really bad at creating mental pictures of something from a text description. Ironically, that tends to actually make me good at the reverse (describing something in text that I imagine first) because I end up translating it into something even I could figure out. But that still doesn't mean I know how good the average reader is at it. It's the sort of thing I'd normally have to get beta read or send to an editor in order to make sure it comes across the way I intended. Which, sadly, isn't a thing I have the time or resources to do with shorts.

All of which to say...I hope it's super awesome and you all love it. But I'm less confident in it than I usually am. So...here's hoping! As always, it's attached to the post as a PDF. 


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